Our services improve the profitability of our clients' foodservice businesses:
In our experience, price structures and policies often exist with no known basis in costs, and can be irrational across product lines and order types. Even if the thinking behind the structure and polices is known, chances are good that the world has changed while the practices remain the same. Understanding of supply chain costs provides a solid foundation for building a more profitable price structure.
Similarly, many manufacturers struggle to develop a redistribution strategy and program that is acceptable to the entire organization. When target customers, price practices, and redistribution allowances are all aligned, the role and value of redistribution becomes obvious.
And frankly, everyone faces the challenge of “too many SKU’s.” Our recent research showed that foodservice manufacturers manage over 200 SKU’s for every line item on the typical customer Purchase Order! But there are always barriers to whacking under performing products. We understand these and have a process that produces meaningful results.
Please feel free to give us a call or email any time you want to kick around ideas or ask questions. There’s never any charge for talking on the phone. And while we always love to do client project work, we never presume that you need our services. Bottom line: we’re here to help you and promise there’s no sales pitch unless you ask to hear it!